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Trixie on . . .


Even though I'm petite, I've been blessed with nice gams. I enjoy wearing VERY short skirts or long button-up dresses that allow me to teasingly extend my legs. Nothing reminds me of my naughty pussy's existence more than accentuating its nudity by covering up my feet, calves, knees, and thighs with stockings or thigh-highs -- it makes the tops of my thighs feel SO NAKED in comparison! Even more than stockings, I love the snappy tight elastic of garter belts. The feeling of suspenders against my thighs, stretching the tops of my stockings taut and holding them securely on my legs with their elaborate hard little hooks drives me CRAZY! I love SNAPPING them on my bare thighs and thinking about a guy sticking his purple cock under them for me to SNAP and rub my silky stockings over! I also adore all of the little seams and color variations of stockings. Anything that wrinkles and shows delicate stitches somehow reminds me of genitals. All of the creases and shade gradations seem so much like the folds and colorations of pussy.

Because my feet are extremely small (size 4 1/2), it's difficult for me to find full fashioned stockings that do not overwhelm my little feet. Unfortunately I usually find my feet SWIMMING in FFS like a little girl trying on her mommy's lingerie. Sometimes I long to have thicker calves and bigger, juicier feet but on the plus side, my tiny extremities tend to make my legs look deceptively long so it's a good tradeoff!

Hosiery in General:

My favorite thing about wearing hosiery is the way it draws attention to the parts of me that AREN'T covered by hosiery. It sounds crazy, but there's something about drawing on a light film of nylon or silk that makes me feel more naked than if my legs were bare. It makes me feel simply twitchy with awareness of my legs, thighs, and naughty bits! I really love wearing leg layers (thigh highs over pantyhose, etc.) and I'm very fond of watching other women (and even men sometimes) pulling hose on . . . then taking them off. I could watch someone trying on and removing different pairs of stockings, pantyhose, tights, socks, stay-ups, and more for HOURS it is such an erotic and intriguing process. I love seeing the nylon condensed into stacks of wrinkles, then pulled smooth over the legs, covering the bare skin, then seeing the hose pushed back down to reveal the nude flesh beneath. I also love the zippy little sounds of hosiery being stretched, snapped, and having fingers run over it. Yummy!


I'm no stocking-snob! I love pantyhose as much as I love other types of hosiery, albeit in a different way. Pantyhose may not be glamorous, but they reek of sex. The type of sex you'd have with the gal-next-door who has sore sweaty feet, a full-time job, and a damp crotch inside her support hose. Before I started "camming" (doing one-on-one camshows with paying viewers) I never thought of pantyhose as sexy at all, but when I started to look at them through the eyes of a male voyeur I began to understand their allure. Pantyhose trap the musky smell of my pussy better than any other undergarment, and they're so stretchy, shiny and restrictive. I love the way my cunt looks underneath pantyhose and the hot smell and texture all over my legs.

Pantyhose may not be stylish or fashionable the way stockings are, but they possess a blue-collar femininity and mundane quality that I find erotic for the tease of them: they're supposed to be PRACTICAL, not a big turn-on! Because most women do not wear pantyhose to be purposefully sexy, I think they're that much sexier because they aren't trying so hard. Instead of saying, "look at me!! I'm all dressed up to entice you!!" They say, "don't look at me -- I have no idea why you would think I am sexy!" That seems so much naughtier! I also really like it when my boyfriend wears pantyhose -- I love seeing his cock all engorged and stretching out the nylon.