Monday, June 26, 2006

Good Examples

Here are some really good galleries showcasing Delia built by PornSiteReport's GobGook:

Delia, Sexy Leggy Crossdresser Beauty!
Fuschia Bra & Panties
Sheer Pajamas

I've been meaning to post links to galleries I like that have been built by our affiliates so I can provide some examples to other people who are a little unsure how to showcase and market us, so I'll try to do this more often.

GobGook also wrote a great thorough review of DeliaCD here and she was also recently reviewed by The Best Porn. These are perfect examples of how to write reviews of non-mainstream content that may not appeal to everyone. It's more effective to let surfers decide for themselves whether or not they find models attractive and focus the review on describing what a membership to their site will provide in terms of content and features than it is to spend the entire review protesting that you don't like trannies or chubby girls or whatever.

Of course, I do think it's fair when reviewing sites featuring multiple models to provide some kind of idea of the qualities of the models that aren't featured in the tours (too much makeup, too much silicone, too skinny, or even that they aren't attractive by conventional standards). There's a balance review sites have to strike, and the good ones know how to do it. The bad ones rely on making fun of things they don't understand and wind up really limiting their sales, I think, because they only seem to be able to provide information that people could have gleaned themselves by looking at the free area. If the surfer actually LIKES what they see but then reads the reviewer mocking what they like, the reviewer may as well be mocking and insulting the surfer. Not a really good way to engender loyalty to your site and probably not a good way to make sales. I'm not suggesting reviewers rave about content they don't like or withhold negative information about sites, just that sometimes they're unnecessarily negative about all the wrong things. Know what I mean?


  • At 1:44 PM, Anonymous GobGook said…

    You're too kind ;)
    Glad you like those galleries & review, surfers seemed to... gotta love that! SIMPLE is my motto. :D I'm always open to suggestions too! And review sites, my god, reviews can be SO TOUGH to write. There are so many cookie-cutter sites out there, many of which are GREAT in concept, and totally fall to hell in followthrough. There comes a point where a reviewer has to say, "Ok, this site is just too ridiculously horrid to even write about", ya know?



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