Thursday, March 18, 2010

CCBill's WMS Apology

Last year we signed up to use CCBill's new WMS hoping it would make administering our affiliate program easier for us and more feature-rich for you. Unfortunately it didn't work out the way we hoped it would.

The good news is EVERYTHING IS BACK TO NORMAL for our "legacy" affiliates according to ccbill in this apology AND new affiliates can signup like normal once again.


While there are some positive aspects of the new WMS I am going to wait awhile before I invest any of my time in working with it, so if you signed up for WebWhoreBucks under the WMS (during the very brief amount of time between it forcing people to sign up that way and before I took down the signup form) please sign up again for a legacy account.

Of course I could write a litany of detailed complaints at this point, but it doesn't seem like it would be productive so I'm just trying to get back to business as usual and emphasize that I *do* trust things are fixed and back to the way they were pre-WMS and hope all of you are too.

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