Thursday, March 18, 2010

CCBill's WMS Apology

Last year we signed up to use CCBill's new WMS hoping it would make administering our affiliate program easier for us and more feature-rich for you. Unfortunately it didn't work out the way we hoped it would.

The good news is EVERYTHING IS BACK TO NORMAL for our "legacy" affiliates according to ccbill in this apology AND new affiliates can signup like normal once again.


While there are some positive aspects of the new WMS I am going to wait awhile before I invest any of my time in working with it, so if you signed up for WebWhoreBucks under the WMS (during the very brief amount of time between it forcing people to sign up that way and before I took down the signup form) please sign up again for a legacy account.

Of course I could write a litany of detailed complaints at this point, but it doesn't seem like it would be productive so I'm just trying to get back to business as usual and emphasize that I *do* trust things are fixed and back to the way they were pre-WMS and hope all of you are too.

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

OOPS! A Correction, Apology & Thank You

On Saturday, October 3rd I posted new hosted galleries for and zips for affiliates and sent out a mailer with all of your link codes already built into the email.

Unfortunately, I made a really stupid mistake when I built the FHGs so the links were wrong and not carrying affiliate id's THROUGH when surfers clicked on them.

Two webmasters (see below) caught my mistake and took the time to write back to me explaining what needed to be fixed. At first glance, I misunderstood what they were saying and thought they were complaining that when they visited the content pages that it still said XXXXXX in the links, so I was like, "dudes . . . I'm not that fancy!" and focused on the other millions of things on my to-do lists.

Later as I did some exercise attempting to maintain my MILFy webwhore figure (ha ha) it HIT me what they were trying to say: I TOTALLY FUCKED UP THE LINKS ON THE FHG PAGES!

Due to the way I jostled my brain during my exercise, it wasn't initially clear to me how I messed up, but eventually I recognized the incredibly dumb mistake I made and fixed it on all six galleries on Tuesday, October 6th so they were only wrong for three days, and only in use by a handful of people for one or two days.

As a very modest token of my regret at having made this mistake, I've added $3 to everybody's payout rate which we'll continue for a week, provided I set it up correctly (in the ccbill admin it says, "To offer a combination of percentage and dollar amount per sale, enter values in the Base Percentage Payout and the Base Dollar Amount fields. Enter percentages as 25, not 0.25." so I left the 50.000% part and added 3.00 to the base dollar payout; having never done this before, I have no idea whether it will perform in an intuitive manner, whether or not it will effect rebills, or anything). I hope I'm not adding a new mistake to an old one, but it's about all I can think of to make sure you know I'm mortified by my mistake.

I know it's not much, but it does apply to all of our sites, not just Delia's or just to sales made on those particular galleries. If we were a huge corporate sponsor and one of my lackeys made this mistake, I'd be able to offer a few of those $100 payout days as an apology! Of course, if I were a huge corporate sponsor who could afford to do that, I never would have been trying to do so many things in the first place that I'd have made this relatively minor fuck-up and I'd probably be screwing our customers and your traffic with a bunch of shady practices to line my pocket enough to where $100 payouts would be as easy as shitting yellow-speckled turds the day after the Fourth of July. As it is, we don't do those things (and I don't even like corn on the cob that much).

Anyway, I'd like to thank the two webmasters who saw my error and took the time to write to me about it:

Oskar of OutlawCafe


Mike of PornStarGals

I know when you have a million things to do it's easier to just dismiss a mistake a sponsor makes -- particularly an indie like we are who maybe just doesn't have a clue and no amount of assistance will help -- and decide they are unreliable and not promote them anymore so I REALLY APPRECIATE that they took the time to let me know.

On TOP of that, Oskar let me know how to fix it up so you can get your link codes off of our site more easily with your account number built in; I am working on a redesign of WebWhoreBucks as we speak and hope to incorporate this since it seems like holding our breath for CCBill's new system (which now doesn't even appear to have any promo content management) is not such a wise idea.

Anyway, a big thank you to those two guys. I also added a couple more FHG's for DeliaTS and accompanying zips to entice you to try again.

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Broken Link

My apologies to all, but I broke the "enter" link on Delia's clean tour entry page a few weeks ago when I "improved" it. I am so sorry, but wanted to let you all know in case you noticed a decrease in conversions recently. It was my fault, but I fixed it today. Thank you to A. for discovering it and taking the time to write to us so we could fix it. All should be well now! By the way, his blog is a good example of how to write entries designed to convert so check it out for inspiration.

One of the challenging things about running our own sites and affiliate program is exactly this: we are doing so many things that it's very easy to overlook little problems. Many times I begin a task only to be distracted by another, and when that happens? Sometimes proofreading or double-checking links can get shoved to the wayside. While I do look forward to the days when we can hire people to proofread, build galleries, etc., I know that mistakes are still bound to happen so I'll try not to be too hard on myself. ;)
