Thursday, December 30, 2004

"Does Your Copy Look Fake to the Search Engines?"

It's too bad more adult webmasters don't ask themselves this vital question, because SE spammers and people who "optimize" their pages without providing any real content are going to go bye-bye as search enginges become more sophisticated.
"What we should have been doing all along was writing for the visitor first and the engines second. "
Read the rest of this mainstream article: Does Your Copy Look Fake to the Search Engines

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Welcome to my webwhore business blog!

I maintain a bunch of blogs on a variety of topics, but this one will be devoted mainly to two (related) things: 1) running my own adult webmaster program, WebWhoreBucks, and 2) webwhore and sex-worker related news.

This blog is intended for an audience of fellow webwhores and adult webmasters (especially those who've signed up to promote WebWhoreBucks).

There are lots of information sources for adult webmasters, but very few written from the perspective of an indie webwhore running her own amateur personality sites. The dominant voices in the internet porn industry belong to men, while the dominant subjects in the porn industry are women. Most of the women who HAVE gained respect and success as adult webmasters are not also "content". As a result the webpimps' voices are overrepresented, while the webwhores' voices are not represented at all (or are a mere creation of their pimps'). Furthermore, most of the webpimps have never interacted with the customers . . . the guys who actually support this industry. This lack of perspective on webwhoring and consuming porn really handicaps the average porn webmaster . . . and that's fine with me because it puts me at an advantage over them. Maybe reading this blog will give you a leg up too ;).

Entries may include news about my program, observations about the industry, reflection on issues relating to porn, gender issues in the industry, insights into the amateur personality site niche, or whatever else I deem relevant and interesting.