Tightening Down the Hatch
Over the past nine months we've enjoyed a lot of growth thanks to having more affiliates. As always, I look forward to adding more tools and promotional content to help make all of us more sales.
On the other hand, with more affiliates and more enthusiasm for our sites, I've noticed a lot more widespread use of affiliate tactics that are at best ineffective, and at worst, totally counterproductive to making sales. Many of these tactics are in violation of our terms/rules (sometimes due to poor judgement calls or emulation of affiliate practices that a lot of people think are totally kosher).
Anyway, I feel like I need to clarify some of our guidelines and expectations more so I'll be adding more prominent links to the rules we already have along with clarification on the content pages for zips, FHGs, etc.
On the other hand, with more affiliates and more enthusiasm for our sites, I've noticed a lot more widespread use of affiliate tactics that are at best ineffective, and at worst, totally counterproductive to making sales. Many of these tactics are in violation of our terms/rules (sometimes due to poor judgement calls or emulation of affiliate practices that a lot of people think are totally kosher).
Anyway, I feel like I need to clarify some of our guidelines and expectations more so I'll be adding more prominent links to the rules we already have along with clarification on the content pages for zips, FHGs, etc.