I finally finished a new tour for TastyTrixie.com replacing
this old one with
this new one, plus a bunch of niche-targeted tours:
panties, and
milf-type. I might also add a chubby/curvy tour, a foot tour, and a bitchy/funny tour.
Of course, I'm never satisfied with my tours and kind of hate making them. On the other hand I'm afraid to hire someone else to do them for fear they'll look too corporate or I'll have to do so much of the hard work myself anyway that I may as well just do it myself. It's also a matter of liking the obviousness that I did them myself and they don't look like anyone else's tours, but I guess none of that matters if they don't convert. But the MAIN reason I don't hire people to do design for us is that we just can't afford to right now.
The best (and possibly worst) thing about the new tours are the .mp3 voice introductions; they don't play automatically (I would never bombard our surfers with unsolicited noise) but I think they provide an instant connection with the surfer who does choose to listen to my voice. It establishes the kind of intimacy and authenticity that non-indie sites can rarely successfully fake. Plus I've only once heard this kind of audio on ONE other solo girl site tour (which has since been replaced by an obnoxious voice-free flash tour) -- I have, of course, seen a few stilted video welcomes that always look and sound totally scripted, stiff, and staged; I always feel so awkward watching those.
While I'm on the subject, I felt pretty awkward recording the voice intros and listening to them. I think everyone hates listening to their own voice, and I overestimated my comfort level with it. I enjoy babbling, but I got serious performance anxiety trying to record a vocal "first impression". I didn't want them to sound too "sexy" and fake but I also didn't want them to sound too harsh and nerdy. I've no idea how they will go over with the average joe, but I wanted to try it anyway. I was inspired to add the .mp3's by the podcasting craze along with the knowledge that I don't have enough flattering pics of me smiling to really draw people in when they first arrive at my site. I'm hoping my voice adds the kind of interest and attraction that my photos might not and establishes a connection with the kind of people who really like personality sites.
I know that some affiliates probably cringe when they say I'm HOPING my tours work. I can hear the murmuring now:
Haven't you tested your tours to make sure they convert before unveiling them to your affiliates??Hell no, I haven't tested my tours. If I had that kind of time and traffic to dick around with I might not need affiliates. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand why webmasters would prefer to send their traffic to tours with proven conversion ratios. Unfortunately we just don't have the resources (aka money) at this point to do all of the things big programs are able to do.
If any affiliates want an entry page made WITHOUT the voice intro, let me know. Also if anyone wants to select a different point of entry for people clicking from the hosted galleries, I can duplicate them for you and have them go to a different tour or entry page (or straight to join if you like).
Please do let me know if you see anything that's messed up or have ideas for improvement. I do VERY MUCH appreciate suggestions and helpful criticism of our "tools" and such. It may not seem like it since I'm not usually able to act on suggestions right away, but I love hearing any information and insight you're willing to share with us.