Friday, October 30, 2009

New Blog Promo Tool

We created a new blog to promote and categorize our network-wide members-only updates:

Trixie and Friends

TrixieAndFriends is NOT a new paysite, it's 1) an advertising tool providing free previews and descriptions of our updates and 2) a tool for our members.

You, as an affiliate, can use this a couple of different ways:

*send traffic directly to it using your link code. When your surfers join one of our sites by clicking the links there, you'll get credit for the sales.

*snag pictures and descriptions from it to create your own blog entries (you can also snag pictures and quotes from our individual blogs).

Two words of disclosure and warning:

1) there are traffic leaks on TrixieAndFriends to our twitter feeds and personal blogs which often have outside links to sites and stuff you'll not get credit for.

2) DO NOT create duplicate blogs or sites where you pretend to be us. Do not register domains or subdomains mimicking our domain names or misspellings of them, and/or do not create blogs that only provide content featuring us and dump all of our promos there. WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN PAYING PEOPLE TO MAKE SHODDY DUPLICATES OF OUR BLOGS. Shoddy duplicates of some of our blog entries, however, on blogs where you build your own traffic rather than diverting ours, are fine!

Eventually we plan to have all of our content indexed there and searchable for our members, but in the meantime it's still a great tool for us (and possibly for you) to let people know our newest updates on all of our sites, not just one of them. These posts aren't automated, they're hand-written by us and don't appear IMMEDIATELY upon posting the updates for members. We often post our updates late at night and will try to update TrixieAndFriends the next morning.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

More Later . . .

Quickly: it doesn't seem like the bonus I tried to give is working (apparently I'd have had to set up a GROUP, then assign everyone to that group, and add each new affiliate to the group, then change the group settings after the promo ended, etc.) SO instead I'll administer something myself. Manually. For those who want to participate and who can accept money orders. I think it will be retroactive for all sales to starting on the third of October, through the end of the month.

More details later . . . Monday I am going to spend the day in tax filing hell, focusing solely on that.

UPDATE 10/27:

Here's the modest bonus plan - I know it's too little to be considered an incentive (like the giant $150 per join bonuses some programs are able to offer), but it's actually just meant as an apology for those of you who might have sent traffic to those DeliaTS galleries during those few days where the links were wrong:

1-9 joins to bonus of $3 each
10-15 joins to bonus of $50
16 or more joins to bonus of $50 *plus* $3 each

All joins from October 3rd through October 31st count. The only method we have to pay you is via money order, and you will have to email us your name and address because of the way the ccbill program is administered (you have the option to not share that info with us when you sign up since CCBill is the one who sends your checks). Payments will be sent before November 26th, 2009 provided you've sent us your info and made qualifying sales that didn't result in chargebacks, refunds or returned checks.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Quickie on To-Do's

Just a quick post for now because it's been so long since I've made one here; first of all, if you've written to me I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE I SEEM TO BE IGNORING! Unfortunately we are just trying to do too much for two people which means a lot is left UNdone at the end of the day/week/month/quarter/year even though we are working our asses off.

A couple of the high-priority things I need to work on for WebWhoreBucks affiliates:

I'm glad review sites are eager to promote us; we have a few things to do before we re-submit to them, though, including tightening stuff up in our member areas, writing some guidelines for review sites (especially regarding "reciprocal" links that so many of them are requiring), special tours and links codes, writing ready-made reviews, etc.

I'm going to renew access for a few of our affiliates who have had access to our members-only areas in the past, but I also need to think really hard about how we deal with these requests in the future especially now that we are adding new sites to our network that are operated by and feature people OUTSIDE our household. It's possible I will create a form for affiliates to fill out to apply for access to make it easier for me to get the information I need to determine whether or not to entrust individual affiliates with total access to our sites. We really appreciate the people who are willing to do the hard work of selecting content and building their own promos but we also need to be cautious about WHAT content and HOW MUCH OF IT is used.


Of course there are also a million other things on my to-do list for affiliates, but getting review-ready and addressing our most ambitious affiliates' requests are the most important to me right now.

Next week we will be shooting a bunch of content for AmberLily's site and in the months ahead we're working on shooting for a new video site we hope to launch soon: I Make Porno (

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