More Later . . .
Quickly: it doesn't seem like the bonus I tried to give is working (apparently I'd have had to set up a GROUP, then assign everyone to that group, and add each new affiliate to the group, then change the group settings after the promo ended, etc.) SO instead I'll administer something myself. Manually. For those who want to participate and who can accept money orders. I think it will be retroactive for all sales to starting on the third of October, through the end of the month.
More details later . . . Monday I am going to spend the day in tax filing hell, focusing solely on that.
UPDATE 10/27:
Here's the modest bonus plan - I know it's too little to be considered an incentive (like the giant $150 per join bonuses some programs are able to offer), but it's actually just meant as an apology for those of you who might have sent traffic to those DeliaTS galleries during those few days where the links were wrong:
1-9 joins to bonus of $3 each
10-15 joins to bonus of $50
16 or more joins to bonus of $50 *plus* $3 each
All joins from October 3rd through October 31st count. The only method we have to pay you is via money order, and you will have to email us your name and address because of the way the ccbill program is administered (you have the option to not share that info with us when you sign up since CCBill is the one who sends your checks). Payments will be sent before November 26th, 2009 provided you've sent us your info and made qualifying sales that didn't result in chargebacks, refunds or returned checks.
More details later . . . Monday I am going to spend the day in tax filing hell, focusing solely on that.
UPDATE 10/27:
Here's the modest bonus plan - I know it's too little to be considered an incentive (like the giant $150 per join bonuses some programs are able to offer), but it's actually just meant as an apology for those of you who might have sent traffic to those DeliaTS galleries during those few days where the links were wrong:
1-9 joins to bonus of $3 each
10-15 joins to bonus of $50
16 or more joins to bonus of $50 *plus* $3 each
All joins from October 3rd through October 31st count. The only method we have to pay you is via money order, and you will have to email us your name and address because of the way the ccbill program is administered (you have the option to not share that info with us when you sign up since CCBill is the one who sends your checks). Payments will be sent before November 26th, 2009 provided you've sent us your info and made qualifying sales that didn't result in chargebacks, refunds or returned checks.
Labels: announcements, ass-kissing